Saturday, May 12, 2018

This is interesting.   I tried to just duplicate a painting using very cheap paints and very expensive paints.   The results were 8 votes to 4 in favor of the cheap paint.   I have to admit there was more blue green in that painting as a result of mixing my greens and that attracted a lot of people but to me it just goes to show that you don't have to have the most expensive tools to paint successfully.   As I tell my students, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".   In other words, if you want to start painting use what you got, or get a little started kit at the craft store, or dust off that old set from college.   Just start painting and when you see that your blues aren't blue enough or the paint doesn't flow like you want, or if anything is making you unhappy, then head to the store for a solution whether it be more expensive paint or a medium to make painting more enjoyable.   Like my husband always says when I have to do something I dread "Well, the main thing is to have fun" and that's what I say to you if you want to start painting.   Just have fun.
  Here's the pictures again to remind you that the one on the right was done with very inexpensive paint and the one on the left was done with very expensive paint.   Thanks for everyone's input.   It was fun!