Tuesday, October 2, 2018

In the studio with a friend

Growing accustomed to my studio - it's becoming my "happy place".   And now I have a painting friend joining me every now and then to paint and chit chat about art.   You know, I say in my book, The $even $teps to $elling Your Artwork that painting can be a really lonely craft if you dedicate as much time to it as you need to be professional - you can be very alone in the studio.   That's why if your life is hectic,  it's so comforting to take up painting.   Focusing on a work of art forces you to take some  quiet time for yourself without the worldly noise and without the inner noise and worry that may come your way.   Anyway, my painting partner is also giving me a much needed shot in the arm to shake up my "old" ways of thinking and putting some new younger ideas in my mind.   He was a former student of mine who has just taken off with his own unique style.   His name is Matt Riddle and I'm sure he'd be happy for you to take a look at some of his own artwork online.   Meanwhile, here's a picture of a week's work for us.   See if you can guess which one is his piece?